woensdag 15 juli 2009


Here's what you have to do: First, you have to tell your readers 10 things about you they may not already know, but are true. Second, you have to tag 5 people or more with the award. Third, you have to let the people you've given the award to, know that they've received this award from you. Finally, make sure you link back to the person who awarded you.

I was nominated by Don and Ida - see http://donandida.blogspot.com

Things you probably don' know about me:

1) my wife Lena and I spent a very good vacation in Benidorm back in 2007 (hotel Benikaktus)
2) our daughter Karolien is 33 and our son Filip is 29 years old
3) Karolien and her husband Pieter have two sons, Jules and Floris
4) Filip and his wife Valesca have a son Alessio
5) my favourite town in Belgium: Antwerp
6) my favourite town worldwide: Benidorm
7) my favourite village in Belgium: Nadrin
8) my favourite village worldwide: Kirchberg in Austria
9) my favourite countries for tourism: Spain and Austria
10) my favourite colour: blue (see the picture of my simple car above).

One extra point: Lance Armstrong from Texas is one of my four favourite riders in the Tour de France (see my previous article)

I am a loyal follower of the blog of Don and Ida, because their blog is very good.
Other bloggers that I know:

the Kerby family - http://kerbywithane.blogspot.com
the Kerby Family Blog - http://ashleykerby.blogspot.com
geen klein bier - that is Pieter's blog - http://geenkleinbier.blogspot.com
Hotel Benikaktus blog - http://benikaktus.blogspot.com

zondag 5 juli 2009


De Ronde van Frankrijk is begonnen. Natuurlijk ben ik blij als een Belg een etappe wint.
Mijn lievelingsrenners zijn echter Lance Armstrong, Juan Antonio Flecha, Jens Voigt en Christophe Moreau. Het zijn stuk voor stuk moedige, aanvallende renners. Alleen Flecha is nog niet "oud". De andere drie zijn "fin de carrière" en al ongeveer 38 jaar oud.

Armstrong, Flecha, Moreau and Voight are my favourite riders. They are very courageous and do not hesitate to attack very often. Still I am happy when a Belgian rider wins a stage.

Armstrong, Flecha, Moreau et Voigt: des coureurs courageux, de vrais baroudeurs.

Foto's - Flickr Creative Commons - Dave Hanmer (CM), Leslie Veen (JV), Tim Redgrove (LA), Erwyn van der Meer (JAF)
Armstrong, Flecha, Moreau und Voigt: sind alle sehr gute Rennfahrer, die immer wieder attackieren und die Hoffnung nie aufgeben.